Does anyone else's social anxiety disappear if they have a friend with them?
Is anyone embarassed of having no friends
Update : New at work, a female colleague showed interest in me then suddenly stepped away.
Is it just me or you all check your phone after a couple of hours and hope to receive a dm?
S’habiller plus pro...
I feel worse when I’m in public
New at work, a female colleague showed interest in me then suddenly stepped away.
How do you cope with the fact that you will always be alone?
Do any of you have health issues bc of social anxiety
Messieurs, simple curiosité, qu’est ce qui motive vos infidélités ?
Why wont anyone talk to me?
You CANNOT be fully average as a man and still be successful in dating.
To the French boy who sat next to me on Air France from CDG to LAX on Jan 14, 2025, I have not stopped thinking of you
svp, pour les "0 tout", croyez jamais que tout est perdu.
f4f :)
Comment vous trouvez-vous physiquement ?
Vous pleurez combien de fois par an ?
What is something you always wanted to do but gave up because of your anxiety?
Do you guys have any boyfriends or girlfriends?
Don’t let women on the internet make you believe there are no good women
do socially anxious people tend to overestimate how many people think their awkward? if so, why? please give an answer
what's main negative "belief" or thoughts" u have (subconsciously) that causes your social anxiety ?
Does anyone go blank when being talked to?
Has anyone else experienced social anxiety even around their family?
what are your worst "trigger places" for social anxiety? mine are barbers, waiting rooms and airports