What return boomerang would you recommend me, buying it in Spain?
Best structure gloves to buy
EMS 600
Different methods of finishing stainless
Metal cross part attached to a large key ring kept in a fire truck. No part number or any information on it. About 3” tall.
What is this thing that is attached to a large key ring kept on a fire truck
On our key ring. What is it for?
UPDATED: What departments still use wood ladders?
What departments still use wood ladders?
Why do i get these artifacts?
Top layer problems
Hydrant I restored
What brands for the first 1911?
What is the best way to clean these types of beds?
A fine addition to my collection
Where to get glock parts online?
What kind of dog is this?
How to get better first layer?
First +20hr print... Wish me luck boys
Cr-10s bad layers help
Bad layers on cr-10s
Check out this boomerang video
Anyone have a Garelli VIP and know what that lower sticker says?