Redoing a scape, want to put a capping layer over current substrate/fish waste. Can my ramshorn snails dig themselves out if I put a capping layer of sand overtop? I don’t want them to die, but I’d rather not have to take everything out.
Rename your favorite Dragonball Character or Saga to a Clickbait youtube title
15kg banded hefesto
What kind of fish is this a representation of?
Am I crazy? 2 bookshelf aquariums
is my tank overstocked ??
Just got a macro lens attachment for my phone, thought you’d guys would enjoy this pic :)
Worth it.
Worst Loss?
would this be a good setup? what should i add/remove? strange post, I know
At the very least, 90% of the time I get a Super Pack from a normal game, it’s from 2nd place. Anyone else?
10 Hell yeahs and I'll start cycling tonight
Cuppa flows
15kg / 33lbs muscle up
Part two of wtf is in my tank
aquarium overhang
will a betta be okay with a fish in cycle?
Making a 1000 litre tub for my redfin but the hose uses bore water any way to remove the salt and minerals from it without a p/o filter
My newly setup tank! 22 gallon long. Only 8 chili rasboras in there so far. A Betta and 5 Green Cory’s going in soon. Along with Java Ferns all in the driftwood, and maybe a moss ball w/ Java Fern attached.
Apparently this has to be a concern now… Serpae Tetra stuck in Cholla wood :(
I want to get my first pet fish
My 5G quarantine Tank
How many hours per day do you stare at your tank?
What have you accidentally bred in a community tank? (Livebearers don't count).