3 years on, he had a baby
Dreading the summer.
Is Business Class worth it for 16hr flight?
I keep calling him
Are all of us right?
From confident to hopeless
In all of our years together, he never once got me flowers.
When will I stop missing him?
He Cheated and Deleted the Evidence
To the people of The Squire Bar this past Saturday….
Don't try to be a martyr and wait for your ex
I saw he wasn’t cheating and ended it anyway. I’m so sad.
My BF said he isn't attracted to me anymore
How have you been doing since your breakup?
Being cheated on destroys you.
Are my eyebrows masculine? My friend says they are and I kinda feel bad.
What cuisines are we missing?
Tell me you’re from Toronto without telling me you’re from Toronto
What is your hands down best sushi place in Toronto
Birthday dinner - what’s your fave?
Best prepared Thanksgiving meal?
Laminated eye brows?
Best road trips this weekend?
How to get the modern eyebrow look?