Copiei o CVP da App da WTF e baixaram-me o tarifário
Flexispot Nightmare: Over a Month of Broken Promises, Missing Products, and a Refund Battle
código wtf para cinemas nos?
Nix lang v2 | Lix Wiki
Moey - é bom ou não?
Secretlab any good or overpriced?
Anyone had bad run-ins with support?
Beware the Customer Support of this Company
Caesar, a Go web framework designed for productivity
Watching WWDC24
Isenção IMT e IS até aos 35 anos
sql\queries\users.sql:1:1: relation "users" does not exist
Opensourcing Jellybox code, cross platform client for Jellyfin
Proposta da AD - Taxa máxima de 15% IRS para jovens
I bought a silverstone CS382 for my home server and the molex power for the front drive bays was soldered on backwards. Unfortunately I didn’t notice and this killed my motherboard, cpu, and PSU.
What Fractal product would you like us to release?
Fine-tune LLM models on your own codebase locally with Refact
Followup of my app: MediaMate!
Transparencia Fiscal: algum "diagrama" simples?
Adicionar multiplos cartões associados à mesma conta bancária na Wallet Budgetbakers
VAT invoice
What movie series should have stopped after the first film. What movie trilogy or series should have never been made. Where the first was near perfect and the rest were never as good and in some cases even ruin the first?
Just accidentally discovered you can swipe right/left in a bulleted note to create tiers
We are making something new! And we need you 😅
Kago Web Framework is Here