Dogpill é real
My little cousin said Fortnite is better than Battlefield 1. I then realized my soul purpose for being on God's green earth, and proceeded to obliterate him. My Dad got a picture of me doing so. Here it is.
Finally, it's mine!
Ponha seu dedo aqui
What is this glitch?
When you are trying to make an easter egg but beginners join the game
I need someone at Xbox to help me unlock the "a conflict" dog tag
this BADBOY guy joining lobies and ruin dogtags if u guys make something about it pls do
Do I really need conflict?
pode julgar, tá liberado
Ladies and gentlemen
Is this right?
Now I can be a stylish mosquito!
Só faltou colocar o chapéu de alumínio
O quanto concordam? Nunca fui a Europa, tudo baseado em conhecimento ligeiro sobre os países.
Best tank for detroying other tanks?
The most beautiful bayonet attack possible
Eu soltei uma gargalhada sincera com esse post
Se organizem contra a direita.
Bora do melhor personinha. O q tão jogando hoje?
Postem propagandas ou artes políticas que vocês acham foda
Stay outta my house