How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
Why tf are intros so hard for me
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
Men 30 and older, what’s one piece of advice you’d give to men aged 17-28?
How are you guys going about business as normal currently?
Your username dictates what happens to you for the next 24 hours. What will happen?
Are you scared of death?
How would you update this basement? Shoestring budget.
Trying to make amends!
Girlfriend lost job, can't make her car payment l. Should i buy it?
Federal firings in pgh area?
What made you stop drinking alcohol ?
What made you realize you're not young anymore?
Why the fuck does it feel like planes are crashing everyday and why is it happening?
Anything left to consider during the rough in stage?
Fart noises from toilet - plunging didn’t work what else can it be?
What’s One Thing You’ll Always Do Yourself, No Matter How Rich You Get?
I'm in the thick of it, how to stay motivated?
How to avoid the Cardinal Sin? Optimal TV Height vs Center Speaker channel
What made you realize you were getting older?
What’s an adult problem nobody prepared you for?
Chronic ear... Infection?
Stair Railings, what to do?
Is KODI worth using?
It’s been years and I can’t make a single song