It's very damaged due to my cat getting a hold of it, but I have a signed poster from the devs back from 2009-2010 when one of them visited my school.
Chelsea Green replying to a transphobe: Unfollow Me
When did they let Chris Benoit back in the fold
Trump mentioned an idea once about charging a fine or something for people who CAN work but choose not to. Anyone know if he gave up on that?
Was there any outrage for this? Or does it only apply to conservatives
Do you consider this a proper cart location if there isn't a nearby cart spot?
Google Play Store says Instagram "Couldn't Update"
Geographically, why isn't Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, etc not considered Northern? To me, this line doesn't look in the middle to me. And there's a near perfect line for it too
When your jeans just give up on you
Why do people pay for this?
I bought a box of screws... One didn't have any threads.
Let's Play A Game: When I was Younger, I Thought...
Best Feedback
Deactivated but the customer was the racist 🤔
If you want your membership to stay the same, IT WOULD. Y'all need to READ before getting angry
My thoughts as someone who hasn’t played in a while
OSRS has broken out the tried and true Falador riot
$25/mo membership is actually not okay lmao. What other mmorpg even charges that much?
Gagex already freaking out and trying to backtrack, don’t let them
ADA act without the ADA practice
i can’t tell if this is a joke or not but i find it weird?
Dude's safe survived a wildfire.
Instacart cofounder wants to replace shoppers?!?!
Fell on ice, tip removed, and gave me 1star