How do I stop getting blisters??
help me choose a mary jane!!
Dr. Martens Elphie II vs. Elphie Mary Janes
care for shift leather?
Which of the two Dr Martens is better? They are too beautiful, I can't decide
got my brown buzz’s in the mail today & i have never ever been so in love
WB Mega garchomp 908185687772
will the buzz be restocked in brown?
The toughest thing I've ever heard about me
How soon is 'too soon' to ask for your partners preferences for travel when meeting for the first time, if meeting was their idea? Is it a bad sign if they suggest meeting but shut down any follow up discussions?
Anyone else hoping they’ll restock? :’)
Bridge Piercing
New Dunnet flower docs ! 🤎
Yoshi visits the MET
I'll buy you any steam game you choose, up to the value of $100! (+ my two previous games)
Thank you metformin was changing my life!
why don’t i want to see him?
Been dating for 6 months and no label yet
I (20F) want to meet my [online] boyfriend (23M) of one month.
Valentine’s Day
Any ideas?
should I break up with my ldr bf
worth getting if i just got a samsung smart tv?
Anyone have LDR GONE WRONG????