Outside of Dagger, Araña and Luna Snow, I don't think any of the Rest will Push the Needle for Anything.
The impossible just happened guys
Sentinel Buggin
Hjelp meg å forstå: Er det bare meg, eller har vi mistet all fornuft? Når ble det normalt å ta bilder av maten sin på restaurant – MED blits? Og så spille offer når man får beskjed om å slutte?og henge ut restauranten? 😳 Hva skjer med verden?
RIP. My condolences
Worth grading?
Who's ready for the new stupid hotness?!
When will F cards rotate out ?
GIVEAWAY - XY Evolutions Charizard (or 3) - Comment to enter!!
Fun fact: the game won’t let you name a deck “Zapdos EX”
I give up
My first rare pack! I’m glad I picked Mewtwo.
Which game series do you think is better?
All extractions red? [New Player]
You can get a free variants through Discord quests right now. Just play for 15min
My tamagochi died after being away for 3 hours.
Clean topology = Good topology
Anyone else excited for when trades open up? I've got a mewtwo and moltres waiting for me when they do
I just wonder picked this from a Portuguese player and now it’s stuck in Portuguese in my list??
What’s the difference?
Ego perfectly curved Wiccan for my opponent
Every tile on Crater? Pish Posh. This is every tile on Horizon. Over 200 stimulants factories. Geothermal will run out in 1999.
im confused about rerolling
Can we please get real here guys? Literally nothing has changed