My sister is having emergency surgery and will be in the hospital a week. AITA if I let her dog starve? I like my space clean.
AITA for not letting my sister’s dog stay at my house even though she’s in the hospital?
North Americans: Expect Prices to Go Up under Trump
If we want people to stop conflating white evangelicals with Christians, we actually have to speak up
What rhetoric is being pushed in church regarding Trump being Godlike even though he's a convicted felon/rapist? Are Christians excited about throwing people out of this country because they're different? This is a serious question.
We’re cooked
People who say "atleast you still have your parents"
I’m on season 2, episode 5 and I’m realizing this show is kinda racist
Ok but why are people like this?
Prayers getting repetitive?
Newly diagnosed, battling Diamox side effects
The Teachers subreddit is a gold mine.
Les compagnies ne reçoivent pas de crédit d'impôts sur vos dons à la caisse
FMC having dispassionate sex with the MMC and it drives him insane
Déshumanisation des personnes en situation d'itinérance
Why do so many christians not see homosexuality as a sin?
What stage of rotten porn brain are we at that, to find this remotely normal
Society is too hard on women
How do people in court remember details from years ago?
You need a helluva thick skin to go on that show.
[REQUEST] Shows you love or hate the character . ALL platforms! Thanks
He made a rude comment in French in front of me, thinking I couldn’t understand… but I did.
I do not care about the Tik Tok ban and I'm sick of creators crying about it
En l’honneur à la fête de Sir John A. Mcdonald ( 11 Janvier )
Breaking news: cats are the same thing as human children
He’s insanely unhinged