Sponge tongue anyone?
Is this hereditary?
Can’t believe others have it as well
Un mic layout CFR 1:72
How many of you guys were labeled as gifted students as a child?
How many of you have migraines at least once a year?
Visuals with fast feeling
Gold pentru toate comentariile. Pentru ca nu e vorba de cati bani castigi, ci ce faci cu ei.
fast feeling
Possibly Related to Migrainous Stroke/Migraine with Aura
Wow am I glad I found you guys!
Can Suzerain Katonn be a campaign speed farmer?
Sunt medic roman pe o sectie de intensive care din Germania. AMA :)
Picanterii pe vreme de pandemie. Mandachi vs. Gherman
Codul Moise
[Rant] Buff the god damn Flat stat gear already Plarium!
Why don't we know the damage multipliers for abilities by now?
After spending 25 ancient shards yesterday and getting nothing, using my free weekly shard and getting Apothecary feels amazing!
Sunt un țăran care a aruncat un chiștoc pe jos și si-a luat amenda, AMA!
Medicii de la Spitalul din Botoșani refuză să mai facă întreruperi de sarcină, invocând motive religioase
Putin umor
Care-i treaba cu horele?
Am vorbit eu cu Edy. S-a rezolvat!