Protest Today at the Statehouse
Defect is definitely one of the characters of all time
This is the weirdest infinite I've ever done, madness make tantrum 0 cost plus unceasing top.
Sequel announcement brought me back to the game after a 2 year break for an insanely lucky run
I mean..yeah we’ve been here before
Old tires recycled into new tires, and kept out of landfills
Using a web system in trees
Referdle: a challenging daily word game, with an emphasis on logical deduction and cross-reference
Some of the pizzas coming out of our wood fired pizza food truck
The kingfisher I took this morning
Top PVE Pokemon v1.3
Looking for Finizen. 3V78BW
Finizen evolution help Y9XHXM
Just paid $18 for a cheeseburger and small fries. I'm mildly infuriated.
Xerneas Duo Raid(No WB), Mega Gengar Only No Relobby
Campfire Invites MegaThread—Pay it Forward
DALL·E 2 Requests (Thread #22)
Donald Trump launched a furious attack on 'broken down hack' Mitch McConnell and his 'crazy wife' in bust-up over GOP Senate candidates
Wait for Hydro Cannon to return, or mega evolve now?
Vader dropping 14.7 million damage on JML in Conquest
How Far Out Am I From SLKR? (details in comments)
SWGOH Content Creator Alignment
This is a great Quality of Life update for the GCs.
Relic CLS Counter to Relic General Grievous
Help a new SLKR owner.