Really enjoying Janet Jackson 1982
tips for family gameplay & building relationships?
i’m actually addicted to the sims 3
Favorite LGR (Lazy Games Review) quote from his Sims 3 Videos?
Why is the coffee so hit and miss?
brighton or london?
Which housemate has received the most nominations in BB history?
addicted to my current household & twinbrook
i’m so glad to be back <3
Any Tips for Dyeing a Doll?
tycho had a baby!
She wants to start a soap business... REALLY???
R.i.p. all the eras 🪦🕯️🥀
adjusting to a desk job after working hospitality/retail
14 months later, i feel like i won’t find anyone better
The sims
is she a goner?
working alternative for sims 1 legacy collection
old school 1990 artists/songs/albums similar to janet jackson/madonna house eras
studio apartment bills included in rent listing?
Kylie 50 + 1
Let's all have a bit of a vent
23 yo graduate, now what
Is it worth it being a BM