Help me please ID this song!
Pros and cons of Waco
95.9 The Ranch - Top 95 of 2024
EOP Formats
Mtbing Questions
Considering Transferring to Baylor
Main Event Waco: New Year's Eve Celebration
Baylor Basketball - Free NYE Game
I've recently joined the 159th separate mechanized brigade (a new brigade in the process of formation) so I'll be able to continue posting the items and ship them worldwide if anyone is interested. Btw, on the photo is the patch of my brigade
Waco or BCS?
OEM Logos
Anyone else feel as though CEM/AEM and the any other similar certs are pointless?
Boys from Oklahoma presale
Amazon Overnight
Public Safety Radio
Sirens ????
In the era of modern Internet and cellular networks, how useful is Ham Radio?
places to go
AAR Database
So what’s up with the football schedule this year?
EM jobs with minimal travel?
Stakeholder Contact Management
What happens to people who don’t really believe Jesus is in the body and blood?
Synod stance on Communion Frequency