Anyone else fear cluster feeding whilst out in public?
After you give birth how did you keep fresh down below??
How long did you wait before you took your baby out?
Postpartum STENCH?!?
What surprising or unexpected thing did you find out was affecting your milk supply?
Fit check my DIY sling wrap please
Missing naps due to cluster feeding
What is an adequate involvement of dads in newborn care?
Big fan of when baby attacks the boob like damn milk get into my mouth already
Newborn not waking up to eat?
Worst breastfeeding day yet
Having no appetite? EBF
Does your whole body hurt or is it just me?
Do you smile back?
Baby on boob all day!
What’s your favourite easy breastfeeding snack?
Birth trauma - postpartum hemorrhage, long term effects, encouragement
I tried to flex my abs today…
A love letter to the new moms doubting their supply
Looking for books about disorganized attachment style
Dry hair shampoo recommendations?
Am I a Winter? An Autumn? Or something else? 😬
I caught my fiance hooking up with my sister while I’m pregnant and tomorrow I’m exposing everything at our family gathering
Maternity Coat Recommendations