Drop your a-level choices and ill rate them 1-10 (do not take it personally(
if my liver functions come back normal can i drink alcohol?
why do men only want one thing
i'm such a horrible woman with such controversial opinions but i'm free
attempting to clean my room rn
bigger the tits bigger the heart
back to hating on moids because my ex gave me mono bc he was horny
i'm so angry at my ex for giving me mono (vent)
Words can't express how much I hate this man
should i tell a past partner i have mono?
Fasting.. helpful or hindrance for kicking Mono? Asking for general opinions not medical advice of course :)
my scars are fading and i don't know if that's a good thing
what would stop you from killing urself?
Citric acid is awful for teeth, but can it be consumed safely at all? It seems like it's in any and all tasty beverages, especially the low sugar ones.
can someone give me some advice as to how to act as a hillbilly/southern belle
why are all men the same 😀😀
does IV use leave scar behind?
how do i stop getting reminded of people id rather not think about?
What should I get?
what happens if you have two PM exams on the same day??
I did my own tattoos at 16😭 also anyone up rn
[14F] I have no friends and I blame online school (I was still a loser anyway)
men trying to be deep with the same thoughts i had at 13
the woes of a girl with mommy issues 😞😞