If there was one movie you could delete from cinematic history forever, what would it be?
What's that one song that, if someone offered you $100.000 to get a 100 points on Karaoke singing it, you would bag that money?
What's the one thing you need to do before you die?
What’s something sexy in theory but hilariously awkward in real life?
What would you do if you belly button turned into vagina?
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
What is the strangest fetish you've heard about?
If you were to be reincarnated again after you die, what type of world would you like to live in?
Hair greasy every morning even though I shower daily. How do I solve this?
AITA for lying about why I didn’t read my chat?
What’s the worst or most unpleasant physical sensation there is?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
What is the worst reply to "I'm pregnant, I don't know who the father is"?
You are reborn with all your memories and full self-awareness. You are going to have to repeat this life. What would you do?
Lonely guy who wishes he had a girlfriend
Lonely guy who wishes he had a girlfriend. I’m gonna start a diet/exercise plan today.
Honest opinions wanted please. 30f 35m
DAE crave green tea after eating fish?
Where are the nice people? :)
how can i memorise how to write kanji?
AITA for resenting my MIL's toxic behaviour and thinking it's beyond her health issues?
My girlfriend (20F) is pregnant and im (22M) suspecting the baby is not mine
AITA for holding resentment towards friend
How do you do to be happy when you're single?
I hate when people say you're not entitled to XYZ