What are some reasons to make your own distro?
I’m 20M, be honest does my bedroom appear girly?
I had a dream last night that there is an 'Argentinium' item/weapon quality. What do you think it would do to distinguish it?
Only few knows that Linux itself knows when will be it's year, you can check youself 'date -d "$(echo bmV4dCB5ZWFy | base64 -d)" +%Y'
Jakich napojów brakuje wam w Polsce?
They said it was just a game
Sklep oszuści
MacOS vs. Windows for Linux users in work environment?
Cegła w służbie pieszym
True hacker
Worth it?
How will this perform in 2025?
Anyone else out there with Bedrock Linux?
New Nintendo 3ds came modded, what to do?
I already have a Steam Deck, should I buy the New 3DS XL or the Switch Lite?
Własne keycapy, gdzie?
They made this out of a real human skull.
Każdy głupi napisze roczne sprawozdanie finansowe, a jak wózek widłowy w Kolonii się obsługuje to wiedze trza mieć
While You Can’t Even Find a Dozen—Someone’s Buying $1,000+ in Eggs at Costco
My Linux gaming setup
Słuchawki do oddania
Spy is either way too overpowered or way too underpowered, no in-between.
Istnieją jeszcze ludzie więcej niż godni zaufania
Work switched to United this year and meds I’ve been taking for years are already getting denied. $1500 without insurance.