Scared for my kids
Activities w/ infant
Team building events in YYC
Posted this on r/sourdough not expecting many people to get the reference, but apparently a lot of people do! How was this symbol so wide spread pre-internet?!
I use the same Reddit as these guys who live in the apartments
Going to Edmonton for a game this Thursday, do I wear my Flames Tkachuk jersey?
How do people manage to work five days a week without burning out?
Hearthstone player picking up SC2 for the first time. How do I learn the game quickly?
My dude Turned Half a dozen yesterday, I’m the richest person to ever exist.
Injury Prevention
Crypto withdrawals in PS area
Should emergency fund really be 6 months all cash?
Got this in the mail, threatening to send to a collection agency. Do they have this power? Should I pay or is it just a scare tactic?
Seeking Feedback on My Weekly ETF Investment Plan ($150/Week, Long-Term Focus)
Concerns with buying refurbished antminers?
What are the trades in Alberta that are not getting crazy publicity to the masses
Tax effective instruments to park money, like CASH.TO?
Long term Investment
LPT Request: what were some of the best, seemingly miniscule quality of life upgrades you made in your life that had a big impact?
$43 K at 19. All into VOO?
How much does a dozen eggs cost where you live?
Why does Smith want to privatize healthcare in Alberta? Do Albertans want this? I hope Albertans know how stressful this “refocusing healthcare” has been on healthcare workers.
Almost a year into investing. What else do I need? What stock for dividends should I invest in?
Should Trudeau resign? 69 per cent of Canadians say yes
Intelligent Conversation around Tariffs and falling CAD