Dew claw broken?
Best way to get PPL and CPL using the GI bill
And she was right, too
Level Turn Instrument Cross-check
Found this flavor at the local hispanic market - perfect for those who want all flavor and some heat
Pre-production car seen roaming downtown before a snowstorm
Oh, great.
This could be absolutely meaningless blabber. It could be the opposite of that.
Canada said…oh yeah, we can go tit for tat!
Nice little Whole Foods close out find
Unfortunate cat bite
My instructor says I can’t even handle 3knot crosswind
365 to Al-Udeid
Car on fire starts rolling down a bridge
If you got married at an EDC Vegas chapel, when did you hear back on your day/time?
Trump did say he and Johnson had a secret...
Gays of DC, etiquette for going to an underwear/leather/etc party? Do you have to participate or can you attend fully clothed?
Question about taking off from Class C airport
Spotted by DC Water in Navy Yard - is this a groundhog?
We get it.
Stocks up big since this post, nearing another all-time high
How is Goodfellow for permanent party that will be pcsing there with family
Nobody would be surprised! 🧻
Camp EDC Will Call Hours
Forward Collision Mitigation Warning.