Don’t judge Kakashi sensei dank
Why the hell is Piccolo in Sayain Armor
You gotta have the right mindset
This is what happens when you don’t play for 10+ years
Tien has never given up on martial arts
All the original character bios from Jak 3 book
We getting San Andreas 2 before GTA6?
Finally he shows some balls
“Things just never change”- Ratchet
Dammit Xehanort
“There’s no such thing as a picture you can hear”
For my GT fans. We still care
Remember when they took MySpace from us
I see what you did there
I can’t him do my boy Itachi like that
Sly needs to teach his cousins the art of stealth
The officials have spoken
Avatar Yangchen was a mf savage
Was it really THAT crazy
I always enjoyed driving #2
There I said it
This is too funny
Everyone finds out Krillin likes 18
Who’s Stronger