Need help with this trophy
My CSH Album Tier List (please don’t hurt me)
Register sketch collection
favorite csh disregarding lyrics?
most heartwrenching car seat headrest songs yall can think of?
Can I get fired over this?
Life Worth Missing Vinyl Version
I made Will on Tomodachi life
Like Blood from a Stone
B-Sides Vol. 6 Appreciation Post
Ballad of costa Concordia inspired doodles
what are the chances of getting into UMBC with a 3.25 unweighted GPA?
can it be taken weirdly if i paint the monomania album cover for my girlfriend
Roast me or love me - Twin Fantasy rankings (from Face to Face version)
What is the context of the clip at the end of High to Death?
alright, drop your CSH hot takes i want hell to break loose
Face to Face is better than Mirror to Mirror.
The Funniest Non-Obvious Lines in The Sopranos
COVID Policy?
'I CAN TALK WITH MY EYES SHUT' won day 8! LAST DAY: Which is their best album?? [MOST UPVOTED COMMENT WINS]
Is gta online down right now
'this one time I went to a coffee house.....' was voted 'what's this song's name again?'. DAY 7: Which song made you a fan? [MOST UPVOTED COMMENT WINS]
It's Only Sex was voted most overrated. DAY 2: Which is their most underrated song? [MOST UPVOTED COMMENT WINS]
ahhh, Elden Ring...