Pick A Slide
Haven’t listened to anything before the starboy album and I had a question
Abel’s best run of his career
Lmfao get noted
jugram vs chizuru victim
Why did Blinding Lights pop off like no other song in his discography?
Unohana vs RG Byakuya. Who wins? Also explain why.
who is the strongest character that loses to Bazz-B
Why is Drake the only proper feature on trilogy and kissland?
Who wins, tybw Byakuya or SS half mask Ichigo?
Bankai Yamamoto (TYBW Anime) vs Base Jugram (TYBW Manga)
How many users here lie regularly?
Haribel vs Liltotto
Resureccion Uloquirra VS Robert
Do all quincy have relevant sklavarei?
Rank these characters from weakest to strongest
No way people seriously think this is close
What arguments are there to consider sealed ZD (base and shikai) stronger than Gotei 13 (base and shikai too)? I want them to be but the reasons usually given here seem to have been debunked already. Not counting Ichibei
Drop ur favs from his discography(rate and get rated)
Liltotto and giselle vs ulquiorra
New Abel comment
Which ark ost slaps the hardest
Red Eyes Uryu vs Bumgram. Who wins?
I don't think people understand how weak Zombietta was in comparassion to her living self
Ayon absorbed sklaverai Quilge VS resureccion Starrk