I saw others doing this, so why not: who are you stealing from my collection?
On this site, you can help fish pass through the lock near Utrecht 🐟
Gibt's auch Brotnebenstrich?
What’s the craziest thing that happened at your school?
I don't even know if "interesting" is the right word to describe this
POV: the last reel before you go to bed
At this point my therapist needs a salary increase
My fake bmc who was rescued from Greece
Wii denn nur
Changed a few things and it looks way better now
what's the strangest thing you've binged on?
Make a burger
Do this for any fandom you’re in and let everyone else try to guess it.
rise my brothers spam this image and if you dont we will skin you alive
My poor car thought he was going to be replaced
Keine Ahnung, ob bei diesem Anliegen ein Therapeut, ein Zoologe oder ein Exorzist helfen kann
Does anyone know if I need stitches for this cut? Like if I just get medical glue or wtv will it still scar? This photo was abt 10 hours after it happened.
Bitte keine Furries in der ÖBB
Vika and vova
I made my self crocheted Pikmin go on a camping trip
Hab meine tägliche Ration Brainrot heute auf einem einzigen Profil gefunden
Sebastian hat sein Zebra nach zwei Jahren noch immer nicht kaputt gemacht
Mit Katzenmemes in den Krieg
Gott sei Dank hatte ich als Kind keinen Internetzugang