"but wouldn't that mean you're at least 20??"
"I bet that was before you were even born"
Women who are always mistaken for being younger than their age, what's your secret?
Adopted last night! Any male name ideas? Our other cat is Addie
Sleepy girl
Meet Marzipan!
Our beautiful grumpy girl
Pegs slip almost all the way down without hammering?
Cause of death?
The problem with Pop Psych
SW flair change!
Religion and Reality YouTube channel
Koko will be 16 this year!
Hazel Dinkel
His attempt to trip me down the stairs failed. This time.
Does anyone else think it’s selfish to have a second?
my mom dared to get up and stop sitting next to him
Mookie very sleep
Sometimes I wish it was legal to leave your children in the car for 2 minutes
I think I’ve found my community.
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Please boop
Married GenXers: what was your “wedding song”?
Christian Ms Rachel