Theory: Trump and Kris agreed to use CRO as the foundation for the reserve currency.
And what business are you in?
Business Card
Too Early to Call, But Welcome to "Moon March"
TIL: A man was caught for stealing human toes at a Body Exhibit in 2018 by plucking two toes from a cadaver. Each toe was worth 3,800$.
Winds of shit are in the air
just saw BTC hit 79k... WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!
The Blackpill can easily be debunked by going outside
My kidshh
Yum, nice marmot says Don Jr
What have you lost interest in?
That’s some sad shit. Mother fucker said he didn’t want to smell no more.
Cybertruck crashes into an empty pool
The Buffalo Sabres serving Blue Waffles at tonight’s game
Is big laundry subjected to the illuminati? If so, who’s involved? If space ain’t real; what is causing the light to reflect the shape of Saturn?
Well, I guess I am in it for the long term
Knotty girl
I have a genuine question for the more educated members.
Massive Potholes in Hempfield Township
Smokes a hedge against inflation?
Dog shit on wife's favorite rug
I saw this flying above a farmer's field near Windsor, ontario. Could this be the start of some sort of alien invasion? It was flying weirdly low and buzzing above our heads. I'm really worried and scared. It fucked up my camera.
If you live outside Allegheny County and commute to Downtown (or nearby) for work, what’s your commute like?
most of crypto now a scam??
Spring isn't far away.
Coincidence this book from 1994 has an egg on the cover shaped thang?