Article: “why American democracy will likely withstand Trump”
Comic 5512B: Killing Time for Two Months to Make This More Palatable (It Isn’t)
Using tech for good as a disenchanted techie
Maybe a sensitive question--how do you reassure yourself that you're in the right when it comes to knowing about Israel and its history, etc.?
How Montreal became the antisemitism capital of North America
lgbt pro palys infuriate me
A baby cow with politely curled feetsies
Legal relationship to birth mom if stepmom adopts me?
Comic 4894: Planning For The Future
IRL Jimbo
The first tree I ever loved. I played on this banyan in Los Angeles for hours when I was little
I loved S3E4 but
Season 3, Episode 4 • Leaf Raking - Discussion
Is it easier to give oral to a woman or a man
I’m confused 😰
Streets of San Francisco, 1980s.
I loved the random dig at Scorpios in the movie
Is Speckle abusive?
Quit because I’m pregnant.
I wanna give this male cat a nice organic name, like of a crop or tree- nature based. I don’t wanna give him a cutesy name, something kinda neutral/semi-masculine
Comic 4800: Fumigation
Cobbled together a Forest Annie fit for Fanime!
I wrote an article about the impact of Inside (on Gen Z) for its anniversary
horse sirloin, very similar to beef.
1 minute of fluffy calico belly rub heaven