Hpal crazy burst dps
OFDMA in near-constant partial service
Internet Outages & Frequent Ping/Latency Spikes Lasting Minutes
Extreme latency increases and disconnects
Yamaha Jet Boat Leak
Yamaha AR195 Leak
Are Underwater Cameras Effective In Deeper Water?
Are boomies squishy? (Hpal perspective + hpal thread)
Bait Fish Identification
Small lump on Labradors chin
401k to IRA Rollover Question
$1,500 USD Limit - Are there any improvements I can make?
Blessing of Autumn CD Bug
Does the R1 cutoff on drustvar include same-account alts that will be not use up a R1 spot?
5-port switch causing internet disconnection
Threatplates Color Bug
How are the inflation changes feeling?
Red Rover, Red Rover, Reddit meet Rover!
What do we continue to use after it is broken?
In what way did you lose the genetic lottery?
What makes you statistically rare?
A man known for disturbing people kicks a strangers dog 15ft in the air, collapsing its lung and displacing its heart.
I hate Maine. Too classy for me. :/
Which fictional character do you most want to have sex with?