You are now the ruler of Australia for the next 15 years. How would Australia change under you?
tracy outdone herself capturing me onboard the big unicycle, love it
local artist drew me with some flair
You are paired with 100 random humans, if you’re better than all of them at something you win a billion dollars, what are you doing?
What’s your favorite slang words/phrases that people no longer use?
big unicycles and carparks isn't "sweaty palms" these days, you agree ?
a big unicycle, flip flops and a carpark, it's all about conquering, fear
whacky helmet designs for unicycles, here's mine, yours ?
poo bear gotten sick of staring at my bum riding on the unicycle carry rack Is leaning out to grin at ppl “on the wrong side”
Australia hey
I can ride thru puddles
Two Russian tankers carrying tonnes of fuel oil break in half and start sinking near Kerch Strait
quick fix for bearing floating out to the crank arm added a spacer [ 20mm elec conduit with an I.D. close to 17mm] and bent frame so it put positive force inwards on bearing face[that wont last] we'll see what happens after i jump it off a gutter maybe tomorrow
What's your favorite joke?
lost another bearing
[homemade] elephant's testicles on toast (poached steak)
What do yall ride?
What's the most random skill you have that never fails to impress people?
62 and recovering from surgery, the unicycle has come alive again
the hot lady friend caught me going up main st on a big unicycle against the traffic- in flip flops in the rain
back in the shopping centre posts on one wheel, almost into the xmas rush, there are many cars
What is something that you should never try naked?