Dawn Phenomenon
Feeling validated- CGM for fasting levels
Where can I buy galangal?
How has accessing basic healthcare changed over the time you've lived here?
Airing of Grievances - Winter Edition 2024
Anyone know where to get Buckskin or moosehide chopper mittens?
Who has the best poutine?
cute cafés open late?
Curious what people think of this new built home with multiple accessory buildings?
Anyone want to share anything remotely positive that happened this week?
Total rainfall for the 3 day atmospheric river at Esquimalt Harbour, Victoria Gonzales, and Victoria Airport
How’s everyone spending this rainy weekend?
Aurora alert!
Can you rent ski equipment in Victoria including jacket, helmet, goggles?
To the person who brings their cat to the Dallas dog park…
People bringing cats to an off-leash park?
Question about tides west of Gorge-Tillicum bridge
Anyone have a cider press I could borrow/rent?
Airing of Grievances - Summer Edition 2024
Best burgers (tonight)
Football/soccer pitch
How would a person report whale watcher boats for being way too close to Orcas?
Saanich to ask province for exemption on secondary suites in rural areas
Where can I watch the canucks game tomorrow?