Roger’s best female persona?
I just…abandoned my professor’s textbook in the city
I think it’s time for you to start to seriously consider salads
Robert Iler, aged 40, it has been announced today.
FFX-2 in-game wasted potential
Who is this (man or woman) in Mississauga?
What's something a Serbian would never say?
Besides language, what are the main cultural differences between Romanians and Bulgarians?
Ralphie is probably the worst character on the show, morally speaking.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 Bingo: Hardest Fight in The Game
(Horror?) movie from 20ish years ago?
What is something a Macedonian would never say?
What is something an Albanian would never say?
What is something a romanian would never say?
What's the most taboo historical debate in your country ?
Self humble-brag about watching the Discovery Channel
Polish and Slovenian: united in being outliers
Called by the Department of Health about Syphilis Investigation- I’m a virgin. What is this? (M22)
I never “watched” this show, but it somehow still impacted me
I might end up getting this game but I have a few questions first
Is it possible to compare the mutual intelligibility of these languages between different dialects of English?
*Specific* version of this song from Bugs Bunny?
Did you cry real tears after your first time finishing the game(s)?
You can patch 2 things in X and X-2. What do you do first