Send pics of your BCs looking deranged
Made a bath tub and wife said NO
They’re trying their hardest, ok?
AIO? Long distance girlfriend wants to take a break
Advice to get into cannabis industry.
Rest easy, pup.
How do people afford college
These books I found.
Kody WAS a good dad (pre/beginning-Robyn), right?
Guy’s An Asshole
And so our hero left, leaving Trump and Putin with a bitter taste in their mouths.
Is aviation maintenance getting saturated?
My BC got attacked - she’s okay
Advice please!
These Washington fans' reaction to the Shaedunk
The films that took you completely by surprise.
What's your experience with food noise?
Give my new dachshund boy a nerdy name
Skirts?! sos
Meri = Robyn 1.0/Robyn = Meri 2.0
Has Torrid lost their minds?!
What else would you want to be changed/added/removed?
Where to see shamisen played live?
Chicken Nuggies for Shelter Puppers 💙
Does what my mom did count as incest?I am confused