Guess the band
How compatible are we?
What’s the most you’ve listened to an album?
How many artist from my Top 50 do you recognise?
Okay Here's the Iceberg thing that everyone is doing.
My corner betting strategy (repost after 4 year)
I can finally totally enjoy music like I should.
Wasted my life.
Face fat and weight gain
Why it's so hard to find anyone?
Most listened albums of 2024! Recommendations for this year are welcome!
Left handed people - what in the world just doesn't work properly for you?
lastfm users when their lastfm stops scrobbling
Instructions for getting your quit days number badge
Media recommendation?
A friend just POKED me on FB. Last time I was poked was 12 years ago. Felt good. Amazing this feature still exists - would be funny to just start poking all my friends again.
Happy Smoke Free Sunday
Both had a crush and yet ended up hurting each other
Why the fuck do I look so ugly at the hair salon?
Dermatologist told me Kenalog shots will not work on 1.2 cm keloid
Anyone suggest fir me ti remove my keloid with surgery or laser treatment. Are there other ways?
I’m getting keloid removal surgery soon and I’m nervous they’re gonna grow back even worse than before