drop one of your “on repeat” songs
What is your favourite radio station?
biggest real noro exposure in recovery!
Breezy’s going off at Ryan on Twitter/X
At about exit 15W
2009 / 2012 / 2014 / 2021 / 2025
I'm allergic to my new face cleanser... on photo day
I actually got a Streetpass at my school friday "2/28"
Thoughts on this DSL I frankensteined together?
What’s going on with my photos ?
Weirdest food you can’t eat?
What's your favorite music video?
d+p theme on da 3DS (☆▽☆)
if anyone gets this, i'll marry them
My DSi survived an airstrike in Lebanon and my Dad found it for me after cleaning up the debris with the construction team.
i did it
What mcr song do you not care for?
iPhone from 7th grade wants me to wait 53 years before attempting to unlock
iPhone from 7th grade wants me to wait 53 years to try unlocking it
Feeling sad recovering from surgery, please share your comfort plushies in the comments !
The last text I sent my best friend before finding him deceased (natural cause)
what’s the weirdest/ craziest thing emetophobia has made you do? ill start
Anyone else forget that other viruses are going around?
What is your favorite song on each album?
Be sure to check your appliances before leaving the kitchen. I heard the fire alarm going on (was in bedroom) and when I opened the door, my apartment was full of smoke.