Yesterday My Baby, Best Friend of 18 years passed away..
Attempted homemade burger buns
Tomorrow will be Bowies last day. Wish him happy birthday
Tofu Sushi Bake
Spam Musubi
Image unrelated, but when I was a kid, I used to think babies were assigned lawyers at birth
How long after testogel do you shower/wash
What I ask vs What I got
You know i had to go for round 2 😏
Crunchwrap kinda night
Anyone realize Publix's produce is basically garbage now
sensation in hands/fingers/body
Please could you just some (really, really) easy vegan recipes?
This sub got me craving pizza, but had no cheese
If you eat lotta shrooms and poop outside will it grow shr00m?
Pets are some of the best trip sitters out there.
As a trans man am I allowed to like painting my nails and makeup?
Fuck apartment complex orders with no instructions for how to find the unit.
First successful grow!
This looks amazing. Really adds a nice touch to the vibe
$1500 a month for this 2br, never gonna move tbh… featuring my gay roommate sleeping on the couch
How many meows before you feed your cat?
[actives] is this much fuzziness normal?